
University Management System

The University ERP or University Management Software is a comprehensive and robust system designed to provide automation solutions to digitize administrative operations such as monitoring attendance of students and staff, admission and enrolment processes, course allotments, fee payment and collection, payroll management, hall ticket generation, time-table creation, accreditation procedures, and many more, with help of ERP, SIS, LMS and CRM Systems.

The Gemini university management system is specifically developed for all types of small and large universities and colleges. The Gemini supports universities in the construction, management, and extension of their digital campus. It helps individuals, processes, and communities to communicate seamlessly throughout the campus in an efficient environment that provides appropriate services and personalized educational experiences. The Gemini solutions can operate effectively either as university or college management programs.


  • User friendly
  • Browser based
  • Student, Parents, Faculty , Admin Login
  • Single database management system and necessary security is Provided against unauthorized access
  • Multi User environment and assigning privileges to the users
  • Exporting important reports to Microsoft Excel
  • Your Data, Your Server
  • Ready to Customize
  • Graphical Custom Reports


Eliminates infrastructure cost on servers and staff for its maintenance.

  • It increase accuracy in work and remove paper work.
  • Centralized reporting from all the departments at one place.
  • Reduces paper work and not need to wait for other staff members to prepare data sheets for any kind of analysis etc.
  • Save man hrs in managing information with automation.
  • Instant Access to the Information required for Decision making.
  • Single software handing everything saves a lots of investment in different software and management issues.
  • Eliminates bottleneck in the process of getting information out of pile of data.
  • ERP Helps the institute to send quick and prompt data.
  • Integrated solution to manage academic, administrative and business processes Minimizes repetition of activities.
  • Dynamic generation of tasks with popup alerts and e-mail provides better productivity and work plan.
  • Digital record of all activities year after year as an important asset of the Institution.
  • All kind of reports can be generated daily, weekly, monthly and annually.
  • Locates source of problems such as pilferage & wastage.

Benefits to Student

  • Online Notice Board, Syllabus and Lesson plan.
  • Quick information on Events & Activities and holidays.
  • Browse library books catalogue and raise request Online.
  • Easy access to attendance, timetable, results, fees & examination schedule.

Benefits to Teachers

  • Automated attendance, exams and results management.
  • Efficient collaboration with students and parents.
  • Online payment and leave records tracking.
  • Online timetable and activities calendar.
  • Intelligent analytics and reporting.
  • Improves Teaching Effectiveness through content and information about student.
  • Complete attendance automation.
  • Easy grades and marks management system.
  • Greater focus on teaching and less on time consuming administrative functions viz. Student records, class schedules, reports, attendance etc.
  • Easy to keep track record of students which helps in further planning.

Benefits to Parents

  • Easy access to child's attendance, timetable, results, fees & examination schedule.
  • Quick information on events & activities calendar and holidays.
  • Online Notice Board, Clubs, Houses and Societies.
  • Better interaction with teachers and quick feedback on child's performance.
  • More Open and easy interaction between Parents, Teachers & Management of Institute.
  • Instant access to all the information related to child.
  • SMS updates on students attendance, fees, marks and performance.
  • Possible to monitor the performance of their child from anywhere anytime on the internet.
  • Save hours and money in lots of communication aspects.
  • Access to Grades, Attendance, Fee status, exam schedule, announcements much better.

Technical Benefits

  • Cloud Based.
  • No Hardware/Software Installation or Download.
  • Smart, Customizable and Scalable Design.
  • User Friendly Interface.
  • Secure Architecture & Role based access rights restriction.
  • Multiple browse support including IE, Firefox and Chrome.

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