
College Management System

The Gemini College Management System is an end-to-end solution for colleges to improve operational efficiency & institutional outcomes by automating Student-Faculty lifecycle and campus administration. Hosted on cloud, this college ERP helps educators to streamline all the core activities with the latest technology stack such as biometrics, business intelligence tools & analytics dashboard that generates precise reports on college admission, enrollment, scholarship, and previous academic record, fees, alerts, attendance and compliance management.

This software is designed keeping in mind the different operations of a college. Our team understands that for any college to function their administrative processes plausibly, should and must opt for a cloud education ERP, for the following reasons:

  • Manual work reduces considerably
  • Operations of Academic and Non-Academic department get in-synced
  • Generates reports/ receipts/ drafts for all modules
  • Data stays secure
  • Affordable Customization
  • Modern Web Technologies
  • Reasonably priced
  • 24x7 online and offline support